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극장에서 하는 영어 10

by 곰깨비네 2023. 3. 15.


"Can I get two tickets for the 7 o'clock showing of the new Avengers movie?"

"새로운 어벤져스 영화의 7시 상영 티켓 두 장을 받을 수 있을까요?"


"What time does the next screening of this movie start?"

"이 영화의 다음 상영은 몇 시에 시작하나요?"


"I would like a large popcorn and a medium soda, please."

"팝콘 큰 거 하나랑 탄산음료 중간 사이즈 하나 주세요."


"Excuse me, can you turn down the volume a bit?"

"실례지만, 소리를 조금 줄여주실 수 있나요?"


"Do you have any snacks that are gluten-free?"

"글루텐이 없는 과자가 있나요?"


"Can we sit in the middle row, please?"

"우리가 가운데 줄에 앉아도 될까요?"


"I'm sorry, I think I dropped my phone in the theater. Can I check if it's there?"

"미안해요, 극장에서 핸드폰을 떨어뜨린 것 같아요. 있는지 확인할 수 있을까요?"


"Do you have any discounts for students or seniors?"

"학생이나 시니어 할인은 없나요?"


"The movie was really intense! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time."

"그 영화는 정말 강렬했어요! 저는 내내 긴장하고 있었어요."


"Thanks for a great movie experience. Have a good night!"

"멋진 영화 경험을 해주셔서 감사합니다. 좋은 밤 되세요!"


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